Hilton-Parma Parks and Recreation
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Better Balance Workshop Register View Cart

Balance isn’t just about staying steady on one foot, it’s the foundation of every movement you make.  Maintaining steady balance helps keep us safe and active.  This training is for you if you :
  • Want to improve your ability to balance
  • Sit a lot during the day
  • Want to strengthen your core and lower body
  • Find yourself becoming more cautious about uneven surfaces
  • Want to feel more centered and balanced
We will practice different kinds of balance poses to help us develop stability, internal awareness, Awareness of our body in space and focused attention.

This is a standing, moving and walking class and a chair is only used occasionally

***Plan to be on your feet a good portion of the class - with minimal chair support.
***This class will not be pro-rated.

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April Session 
55y - 100y N/A Th  04/03/2025 - 04/24/2025
09:30 AM - 10:30 AM

Village Community Center - Auditorium - Room 208
$30.00 Res, $30.00 Non-Res
A chair will be used at times for additional stability for standing postures; bring a tennis ball to class.
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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