Hilton-Parma Parks and Recreation
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First Aid For Kids by EPIC Trainings Register View Cart

Pre-school aged girl and boy playing with building blocks
Join us with our team of current or retired medical staff instruct boys and girls ages 7-12 in the skills of Basic First Aid. Supplemented by a video presentation and group activities; participants will learn: skills and techniques necessary to respond to a variety of first aid related emergencies including: bleeding control, choking, burns, care for sprains, strains and breaks and treatment for heat & cold emergencies. Also addressed are several common medical emergencies found in schools today such as: food allergies, diabetes, seizures, and asthma. This course meets requirements for several boy/girl scout badges.

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Wednesday, February 26 
8y - 12y N/A 02/26/2025
06:00 PM - 07:30 PM

Village Community Center - Senior Lounge - Room 102
$40.00 Res, $40.00 Non-Res
This course meets requirements for several boy/girl scout badges.
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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