Hilton-Parma Parks and Recreation
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Babysitter Training by EPIC Trainings Register View Cart

Pre-school aged girl and boy playing with building blocks
Taught through classroom discussion, instructor lecture and supplemented by an interactive video presentation, this 5-hour class for boys & girls teaches participants the roles and responsibilities of a babysitter and includes skills in: accident prevention, first aid and review of ages and stages of development along with business practice etiquette. Each student will receive a workbook and a certification card upon completion, which will be mailed.

*Students will need to bring their own lunch and a self-addressed stamped envelope to class. 

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Saturday, February 22 
11y - 15y N/A Sa  02/22/2025
11:00 AM - 03:00 PM

Village Community Center - Senior Lounge - Room 102
$72.00 Res, $72.00 Non-Res
Students will need to bring their own lunch and a self-addressed stamped envelope to class.
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Wednesday, March 12 
11y - 15y N/A 03/12/2025
01:00 PM - 05:00 PM

Village Community Center - Senior Lounge - Room 102
$72.00 Res, $72.00 Non-Res
Students will need to bring their own lunch and a self-addressed stamped envelope to class.
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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