Hilton-Parma Parks and Recreation
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Estate, Legacy & Long-Term Care Planning Workshop

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Come learn how to fully “Disinherit the IRS” allowing you to maximize the financial legacy that you leave to your chosen beneficiaries by negating the income taxes they will pay when they inherit your IRA. The SECURE Act has dramatically changed how IRA beneficiaries are taxed. I will educate you on those specific changes and what can be done post-SECURE Act to allow your beneficiaries to inherit your IRA 100% income tax-free. The class will also explain traditional long-term care insurance with the new Hybrid Life Insurance/
Long-Term Care combination plans, ways to avoid the expense and time delay of Probate, the advantages and disadvantages of using trusts, common gifting strategies to benefit your children and grandchildren, the prospects for new tax law changes and more!

NOTES: The program is free but pre-registration is required by calling instructor Bill Monte at 721-2385.

Bill Monte is the Estate, Legacy and Long-Term Care Planning Specialist at The Estate, Legacy and Long-Term Care Planning Center of Western NY

COVID-19 Statement:

As we navigate the coronavirus and its impact on our programming, please note that many of our services will include capacity limits and safety modifications. These limits and modifications can be found within each specific program page on our website at www.hprecreation.org. Details are subject to change at any time. It is our goal to make every possible and reasonable attempt to offer programs and services while maintaining public safety conditions.

* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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